Select Hotels Offers

Hotel Offers and Deals

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Offers for every occasion

Offers for every occasion - whether for long-term stays or shorter visits: Discover our flexible offers, the opening offers for our new hotels or even the specials for longstays, companies and groups. Enjoy the direct booking advantage only on our website and save 10% on all your bookings. Make your online reservation through our website right now or simply ask us your questions through the contact form. The Select Hotels team is always happy to help.

Hot deal

Hot Deal -10%

location iconValid in all Select Hotels

Whether it's a business trip, a meeting or a private stay: as soon as the date is set, you should book your room and take advantage of our hot deal right away! Because with our attractive Hot Deal, you can secure a discount of 10%. In addition, you can cross the item "book hotel" directly off your to-do list and rely on pleasant business comfort with us: Select hotels with four-star comfort and more than 20 locations throughout Europe can be reserved immediately!

Special rates

Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel -20% ticket discount

location iconValid at the Select Hotel Prinz Eugen Wien

Are you looking for an unforgettable experience in Vienna? Then we recommend a visit to the Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel! As a landmark of the city, it offers an impressive view over Vienna.

Your advantage: You have the opportunity to get discounted tickets for the Giant Ferris Wheel - a full 20% discount directly at the reception! Thanks to our partnership, our guests can enjoy this fantastic experience at a discounted price.

Look forward to an unforgettable ride high above the rooftops of Vienna.

Longstay offer

Long-term stays

location iconValid in all Select Hotels

Benefit from our motto "the longer you stay, the more you save" thanks to our attractive price scale. Our room and apartment facilities are specially designed for long-term stays.

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